Installation Guide
On the below link you will find the written work instructions for the installation of new Smartline Medical iQ and Classic endoscopy cabinets. It is important to prepare the site so that an efficient install can take place and minimise shut down time for theatres.
Required Software for Laptops
The following programs are required for set up of cabinets and ongoing use. If the site does not have a laptop dedicated to the cabinets only, then attending technicians should have these programs available on their laptops for use onsite. Click on the button for the program you would like to install. It will download the installer, you will then open to installer which will run through the installation of the program. Compatible with Windows only (not Mac).
Recommended Software for Customer Support
The following programs are recommended to be installed on the site laptop or attending technicians laptop. These are made by third party developers and are used by Smartline for data access and database interrogation during remote log in assistance. Please follow the URL links below and download from the software supplier. All are free programs.
Team Viewer - For remote access and support
SQLite - For editing and manipulating scope database files
Core FTP - For file transfer between cabinets and laptop
VNC Viewer - For remote configuration and access of cabinets
Servicing Guide
iQ & Classic Series
Cabinet and Integrated Air System (IAS) Service
Service intervals:
HEPA Filter - 12 months
Intake Filter - 12 months
Air Pumps - 24 months
Luer Filters (iQ only) - 6 months, usually done by end user, not technicians
Cabinet check over - 12 months
The servicing of iQ and Classic series cabinets occurs annually. The cabinets will require alternating minor and major services based on the schedule above. A minor service is the replacement of filters and a general cabinet check over, and a major service is the replacement of filters, pumps, and a general cabinet check over.
Previous Cabinet Model Servicing
Prior to the release of the iQ series of cabinets from Smartline Medical, the previous models of cabinets would operate using a Shared Air Box (SAB) system. The SAB system requires alternating minor and major services each year. For example: year 1 service minor; year 2 service major; year 3 service minor; year 4 service major, etc. The cabinet itself does not require new parts annually however is recommended to be checked each year as best practise by a trained technician.
Minor SAB Service
The minor service on a shared air box consists of replacing the HEPA filter and cone pod filter, in addition to a general check over of the system. See written work instructions and video below.
Major SAB Service
The major service on a shared air box consists of replacing the HEPA filter, cone pod filter, pump (side channel blower) and flexi hose if the unit is fitted with it, in addition to a general check over of the system. The flexihose conversion is only required to be completed once and after that will not require replacement. The purpose of the flexihose conversion is to remove the need for replacing the flexihose every second year. See written work instructions below.
Additional Cabinet Interactions
iQ Board Replacement Video Instructions
Spare Parts List
The attached list below is a comprehensive spare parts and codes list for entering into your inventory system.